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"I took Jason's A-Z Workshop. I JUST CLOSED 4 NEW BIG DEALS that
I directly attribute to what I learned from him, and many more to come." 

 -Julie R., National Sales Manager / Sales Representative

Sales Training

The A-Z Elite Salesperson Workshop
Success Comes From ALL Aspects Of The Process
Provided In Person At Your Office or Event, Anywhere In The USA

Sales Team Training

 Customized For Your Company and Team

Full Program Or A La Carte Subject(s) Training.

"DEFINITELY WORTH THE INVESTMENT. The staff and I really treasured Jason's sales training workshop and the value it brought our company."-Jesse G., Company Administrator


Prospecting Sales Training

This section focuses not only on the many different prospecting options, but how to strategically and efficiently prospect and qualify for the highest closing rates.

Sales Calling & In-Person Cold Pitch

Cold Callng Sales Training

Whether calling a mass list, trying to connect with that one coveted prospect, or perfecting your best in-person cold pitch, this section focuses on powerful and proven techniques.  WORKSHOP:  Participants will be guided through creating their most strategic cold pitch with the goal of getting more sales appointments.       

Networking (In-Person and Online)

Networking Sales Training

Many believe that networking is about being an extrovert who can "talk the talk." In reality, it is about strong and focused strategies that can be learned by even the most hesitant introvert. WORKSHOP: Participants will create and discuss a networking opportunities list.      


Referrals Sales Training

The most efficient way to consistently close new deals is through creating a strong referral network and process. Participants will learn how to build and maintain strong referral networks as well as the best strategies for consistently receiving them. WORKSHOP: Participants will create and discuss potential referral networking opportunities.

Email For Salespeople

Email Sales Training

Although verbal discussions are the goal, there is no denying that strategic email communication is a crucial part of sales success in today's world. Whether its initial interactions or as part of the follow-up process, how often, what time of day and content are just a few areas that can make all of the difference in getting consistent responses and continuing the conversation. WORKSHOP: Participants will plan and discuss their email communication strategy.

"Jason is a rare commodity. He brings OVER 25 YEARS OF ELITE SALES FIELD EXPERIENCE
to his trainings. After seeing the results his (A-Z) workshop had on our team, I contacted him right away for additional sales strategy support." -Adam U., President / CEO


Image Sales Training

How do our marketing materials, attire and overall persona play an integral part in getting us closer or further away from closing deals? Some of the answers might be more enlightening than you think.     

The Appointment 

The Appointment Sales Training

Success doesn't come without GREAT appointments (in-person, virtual or over the phone). Missed opportunities and repeated mistakes can make it hard to consistently close. Participants will learn strategies on how to best treat each prospect like an individual, with unique wants, needs and problems to solve. 

Overcoming Objections Sales Training

What often gets missed when salespeople work on answering their most common prospect objections is, what if there was a way for them not to have them in the first place?  This section focuses on how to eliminate objections before they happen, as well as how to best handle them when they do. WORKSHOP: Participants will list their most common objections and discuss how to best overcome them.

Overcoming Objections

"I've been to many sales trainings and the A-Z Elite Salesperson
Workshop was
-Dustin M., Sales Rep.


Follow Up Sales Training

How does one appropriately and strategically follow up and ultimately facilitate the close? When? How often? When is too soon or too long and when is it time to give up (and why)? This section focuses on the strategies and structure of a strong and successful follow-up process. WORKSHOP: Participants will create their structure and cadence for following up with prospects.

Closing & Sales Negotiation

Closing Sales Training

Most salespeople see closing as one of the most challenging aspects of the sales process. This section focuses on how to get to close faster and more often with specific strategies that can be utilized.  WORKSHOP: Participants will discuss and assess which closing techniques will work best for their product/service and prospects.

"OUTSTANDING WORKSHOP. It really covers the A-Z of sales. If someone is new to sales, this is going to be great for them. If they've been doing this for a long time like myself, this is going to be great for them as well." -Miles S., Sales Manager

Sales Psychology & Motivation

Sales Motivation Sales Training

There is much more to WHY a prospect does or does not buy, than simply IF. Equally important is understanding what drives successful salespeople, and how to harness strengths and overcome road blocks. The top 20 Elite Salesperson Traits will also be presented with a focus on how participants can integrate more of them for greater success.

The Sales Success Quotient

Top Sales Training

This allows salespeople to track where their skill level is today and how to continually, even mathematically focus on improving their sales success over time. By applying a point value to each aspect of the sales process, a score is established and can be continually tracked and raised by focused improvement. WORKSHOP: Participants will (privately) calculate their current SSQ and learn how to utilize this tool to improve their success over time. 

Included Content: Time Management For Salespeople & How To Stop Price Selling 

"Engaging. Even fun. Not just another sales presentation that I've seen before, wrapped in a different package. It was A FRESH PERSPECTIVE and I learned a lot!" 
-Mike R., 25 Years, Sales Representative.

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